Sunday, January 30, 2011


That Moment at Dawn

There is a moment
at dawn
when the slate is clean,
the birds sing hello,
and not goodbye,
...when the wind inhales
while you raise
your eyes
breathe out for it.
Thoughts sit up on the clouds
ready to stand upon
the floor of again,
which creaks with the load.


Pensacola Beach

Broken on Shore

Shells on Pensacola Beach

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Circle Writing

Starting to write,
a bit around the edges.
Circling the subject,
Around and around,
not to show too much,
to me or you.
And so I stop,
short of all
more than none.
I leave again,
somewhat undone.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bathroom Walls

I can't believe that it's been so long since I have even thought about posting here. Such a journey in the rear view, think I'll look straight ahead! So here's to a renewed effort to write - here, in my journal, bathrooms walls - :) Life is good.